Midori (1992) (J-Movie) (Anime)

  • Title : Midori (1992) (J-Movie) (Anime)
  • Alternative Title(s) : Mr. Arashi's Amazing Freak Show , Shoujo Tsubaki (Japanese) , 地下幻燈劇画 少女椿 (Japanese)
  • Hardsubbed or Softsubbed: Hardsubbed
  • English Subtitles: Yes
  • Date Aired (YYYY-MM-DD): 1992-05-02
  • More Info: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=4601
  • Summary: The film follows the misadventures of a girl called Midori who, after losing her mother, joins the fairground freak show. She is being constantly harassed, abused and humiliated by everyone on the show until a dwarf-magician-hypnotist appears.
    The film was single handedly created by Hiroshi Harada. Given the subject matter, Harada had found it impossible to gain sponsors. He then used all of his life savings to make the film over a five year period. Over 5000 separate sheets of animation were hand drawn by Harada.The film is very hard to find as the original film has been destroyed and only a handful of bootleg video copies were known to exist. In 2006, a French DVD of the film was made for a European only release.
